Hello there. Tri-County Association for the Blind gives; administrations, exercises and business open doors for individuals who are visually impaired or outwardly weakened in Central Pennsylvania. The mission of Tri-County Association for the Blind is: to help and advance the interests of people who are visually impaired, outwardly impeded or generally crippled, and to anticipate visual impairment all through Cumberland, Dauphin and Perry areas.
Our center administrations incorporate our counteractive action of visual impairment programs like the preschool and grown-up vision screenings. We additionally give specific administrations, for example, charge paying, and way to entryway transportation administrations for customers that are outwardly weakened that assistance them to stay free and living in their own particular homes. A year ago, we served more than 16,000 individuals in the network.
Throughout the years, we have kept on growing our administrations and projects, in the 1990's Vision Resources included: Computer Technology Training Low Vision Aids Services and a Necessity Store supplied with items intended to empower freedom. In this previous decade we have included: Franklin County to our administration territory for Prevention and Specialized Services, Custodial/Lawn Care to the Business-to-Business administrations Since 2000, we added Photo License ID to the Business-to-Business administrations, Summer Camp for children, and teenagers who are visually impaired/outwardly weakened, No-Cost Eye Clinic to serve the requirements of the uninsured, an Eye Wear Shoppe loaded with minimal effort and no cost eye glasses and opened a Vision Rehab Center gaining practical experience in Low Vision Care.
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Employment for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Disabled
Production Services
Tri-County Association for the Blind (TCAB) periodically has openings for part-time or
full-time positions for individuals with disabilities in Central Pennsylvania in Dauphin,
Cumberland and Perry counties. These employment opportunities exist in the Production
Facility, Janitorial Services, and Carpeting Department and include:
- Janitorial Workers
- Carpet Helpers
- Production Workers
Persons with a disability are encouraged to submit an application for
employment. For more information or an employment application,
please contact the agency office by calling (717) 238-2531.
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Resources for the Blind and Visually Impaired
This page contains links to a number of useful Web sites which provide services for the
blind. Links are grouped under the following headings. You may click on one of the headings
to "jump" to a group of links.
Pennsylvania Association for the Blind and its member agencies
Pennsylvania Association for the Blind (PAB)
Phone: 717-234-3261
Allegheny county
Pittsburgh Vision Services
Phone: 412-682-5600
Beaver county
Beaver County Association for the Blind
e-mail: bcab@forcomm.net
Phone: 724-843-1111
Bedford & Fulton counties
South Central Blind Association
e-mail: scba@bedford.net
Phone: 814-623-8214
Berks county
Berks County Association for the Blind
Phone: 610-375-8407
Blair county
Blair County Association for the Blind & Visually Handicapped
Phone: 814-944-2021
Bucks county
Bucks County Association for the Blind
e-mail: dirbcab@aol.com
Phone: 215-968-9400
Butler county
County Association for the Blind
e-mail: bcabsz@zoominternet.net
Phone: 724-287-4059
Cambria county
Cambria County Association for the Blind & Handicapped
e-mail: ccabh@twd.net
Phone: 814-536-3531
Center, Clinton, Lycoming counties
North Central Sight
e-mail: bobg@ncsight.org
Phone: 570-323-9401
Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Union counties
Central Susquehanna Sight Services
Phone: 570-286-1471
Chester county
Chester County Association for the Blind
Phone: 610-384-2767
Crawford, Mercer county
Keystone Blind Association
e-mail: kba@infonline.net
Phone: 724-347-5501
Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry counties
Tri-County Association for the Blind
e-mail: info@cartmann.com
Phone: 717-238-2531
Delaware county
DELCO Blind/Sight
e-mail: bob.nelson@delcoblind.org
Phone: 610-874-1476
Erie county
Erie Center for the Blind & Visually Handicapped
e-mail: blindctr@erie.net
Phone: 814-455-0995
Fayette county
Fayette County Association for the Blind
e-mail: eyes@lcsys.net
Phone: 724-437-2791
Luzerne county
Greater Wilkes-Barre Association for the Blind
e-mail: wbpab@tl.infi.net
Phone: 570-823-1161
Luzerne county (Hazleton)
Hazleton Blind Association
Phone: 570-455-0421
Huntington, Juniata, Mifflin counties
Juniata Association for the Blind
e-mail: willa@acsworld.net
Phone: 717-242-1444
Indiana county
Indiana County Blind Association
Phone: 724-465-5549
Lackawanna county
Lackawanna County Association for the Blind
Phone: 570-342-7613
& Lebanon counties
Susquehanna Association for the Blind & Vision Impaired
e-mail: jsp@sabvi.com
Phone: 717-291-5951
Lawrence county
Lawrence County Association for the Blind
e-mail: LawCoPAB@aol.com
Phone: 724-652-4571
Association for the
Blind & Visually Impaired of Lehigh County
e-mail: abvilc@fast.net
Phone: 610-433-6018
Montgomery county
Montgomery County
Association for the Blind
e-mail: mcab@mcab.org
Phone: 215-661-9800
Northampton & Bethlehem counties
VIABL Services of
Northampton County
e-mail: viablservices@enter.net
Phone: 610-866-8049
Somerset county
Somerset County
Blind Center
e-mail: rob@somersetblind.org
Phone: 814-445-1310
Venango county
Venango County Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
e-mail: vcblind@csonline.net
Phone: 814-676-1876
Washington & Greene counties
Washington-Greene Association for the Blind
Phone: 724-228-0770
Westmoreland county
Westmoreland County Blind Association
e-mail: westcntybd@aol.com
Phone: 724-837-1250
York & Adams counties
York County Blind Center
e-mail: ycbc@ycbc.org
Phone: 717-848-1690
National Organizations for the Blind
American Council for the Blind
American Foundation for the Blind
Association for the Education and Rehab. of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Lighthouse, Inc.
National Federation for the Blind
National Industries for the Blind
Local Links
United Way of the Capital Region
Pennsylvania Industries for the Blind and Handicapped
District 14-T Lions
Pennsylvania LionsUseful Sites for the Blind and Visually
Internet Public Library, Health & Medical Sciences Reference
Blindspots - Movie
Reviews for the Visually Impaired
AI Squared - makers of
Dialogue Magazine,
published by Blindskills, Inc.
EASI Adaptive Techniques
The Macular Degeneration Partnership
The Narrative Television
The National Braille Press
The Outpost
Red White and Blue
United States Association of Blind
Glaucoma Research
Other Links
ACB Radio
A Child's Eyes
Accessible Games
Access Technology Institute
Blind Software
disABILITY Information and Resources
Duxbury Systems, Inc.
ESP Soft Works
Freedom Scientific
Guide Dogs
JAWS For Windows mailing list page
JFW Lite mailing list page
Kurzweil Educational Systems
Leader Dog
Pennsylvania Web Site Links
Used Equipment Referral Service (UERS) - InfoTech
Vision Rehab
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